Pop art

Pop Art prints and portraits & photos on canvas and panels

Feel like making a personalized gift? Looking to give an original decor to your place of business? DPI can print your photos on various media like canvas cloth, aluminum or wood, so that your decor reflects your personal style. Our graphic artist can also offer you Pop Art printing.

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Pop art

Need a special gift? DPI can print your gifts and decoration projects on all types of materials

Do you want a Pop Art poster in the style of Andy Warhol? Let our designer give you two proposals – with the bright colours used to give an artistic and personal atmosphere to your home.

Pop art printing

Once you have approved of the design, simply choose the printing material: PVC, aluminum, canvas, etc. and then it will be printed for you with our customary high standards.

Your personalized décor

Want to bring an original touch to your interior decoration? As a benchmark printworks in Brussels for more than 20 years, DPI can produce your decorative prints in accordance with your specifications.

A large-format family photo, a landscape wall, whatever your heart desires, contact our printworks for a custom bid on your project!